Doing a Secret Santa?

By Damian Jennings - Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Josh Andi has been beavering away at some new code to let you share your VI Wishlist, but anonymously. This way, if you’re participating in a Secret Santa, you can share your wishlist, well … secretly.

We know our friends on Reddit at /r/magic/ particularly enjoy doing this kind of thing, and so we worked with a couple of members there to ensure that our public wishlist feature was up to scratch.

All you need to do is log in to your account, go to your account page and select your Wishlist, then tick the little box to hide your name:


Reader comments:


Wednesday, 11 November 2020 23:44 PM - Reply to this comment

Is there a way that we can make multiple wishlists? Or a separate "santa" wishlist in this case? Reason being that then we could pick only [below $20] items, for example. I tend to use my wishlist as a general bucket for random things that look interesting, but it might be that I want to give my spouse a "curated" version of 5 items that I *really* want. In past years, I've had to take screen shots, remove a bunch of stuff, then add it back later.


Thursday, 12 November 2020 15:31 PM - Reply to this comment

How does someone (no account) buying a download on your wishlist work? Will the download be on my account or will the buyer have to do something additional?

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