Promoting Diversity in Magic

When we look around most magic conventions, we see a sea of aging white males, and too little of everyone else. We envision a future for magic that is full of diversity and community that thrives on inclusion. We have enacted three core initiatives to promote diversity.

Youth Scholarships: Diversity is an emphasis of our two youth programs, and nearly 30% of participation in the Magifest Youth Scholars program is female. Our goal is to increase this percentage every year.

The Retreat, Costa Rica

We also recognize that the history of magic has two glaring blind spots: female performers and performers of color. To this end, we have funded two magic book projects to help raise awareness. Black Magic is a forthcoming book on the rich history of Black magicians. Wonder Women is a book for young readers that highlights the many achievements of female magicians and mentalists.

ShareMagic is also a proud supporter of the College of Magic, an organization that serves predominately young, Black magicians. We have and continue to make substantial donations to this organization, specifically earmarked for programs that uplift magicians of color. Recently, ShareMagic donated toward a virtual magic training class, so that underserved magicians of color in and around Capetown would receive assistance in installing reliable internet connections so that they could learn magic remotely during the pandemic.

ShareMagic is all about specificity, so if you would like your donation to be allocated specifically toward our diversity initiatives, you can indicate that when you make a donation:

All of our projects are funded by donations. Please consider donating:

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